Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lent List

For Lent I decided to write down at least one thing I enjoyed about every day. These aren’t ‘monumental’ things that happened to me, by any means. My goal was to prove to myself that everyday is enjoyable—even if it is something as simple as an awesome “Acoustic Sunrise” set on Cities 97, a free lunch, catching up with an old friend and/or realizing how much that friend means to you. The truth is—I find it is easy to get stuck going through the everyday motions. We sometimes forget that everyday is special and meaningful and should be cherished.  Even on your most awful no good-very bad days, I promise you can think of ONE thing positive that happened to you. Here is my list.

Lent List

1.     It was sunny today, and made me enjoy my run even more
2.     Helping out a sick friend
3.     Good friends, great conversation and great food!
4.     St.Patricks Day! Celebrating being Irish!
5.     Enjoyed a simple and quiet night in with Spence.
6.     Running my first 7k
7.     Celebrating my brother’s birthday with family
8.     Started training for a ½ marathon with a smile on my face!
9.     Having lunch with work friends, I miss seeing everyday.
10.  Enjoyed a snowy walk with Juno
11. Watched “Iron Jawed Angels” A definite MUST SEE for anyone interested in the history of women’s suffrage.  (Relatively historically accurate).
12. Road trip down to Kansas! Safe, entertaining drive! Nothing better than a late night date with someone you haven’t seen in a LONG time 
13. Met up with some college friends at a BBQ joint—it’s been so long since I’ve seen many of them
14. Enjoyed a new church (BEAUTIFUL new church)
15. Tried a new recipe, turned out great (Pork Roast)
16. Cooking class with a wonderful boyfriend
17.  Mini trip to Lawrence to check out KU!
18. Booked a flight to London!!!
19. Enjoyed a sunny drive back to MN, entertained by a great book and plenty Diet Mtn Dew!
20. First Bachelorette party!
21. Caught up with an old and wonderful friend over coffee
22.  Busy day with work—LOVE being busy 
23. Got my hair did—life always seems better with freshly cut and colored hair
24. Dinner date with people I care about 
25. Realized (as I often do when working with special ed) how lucky I am to be healthy, and what simple things I take for granted in life.
26. Catching up with cousins and enjoying Macy’s Flower show (Also, KU accepted)
27. Ran 7 miles and LOVED every minute of it.
28. Learned a TON at King Tut with a great friend (also laughed a lot )
29. Sunny walk around St. Anthony Main
30. Ran 9 miles today!!
31. Free lunch from Jimmy Johns—I’ll take it 
32.  Found out I have some more steady employment—for at least a month
33. LAUGHED so much—staying up the whole night to raise money. Loved the fun I had with students and co-workers.
34. Spent the day relaxing with my new HP7 part one movie!
35. Sunday Brunch on a sunny day-Egg decorating & yummy food!
36. Today I realized—I have met some truly amazing people at work this year. I feel so fortunate to have found such helpful, and kind co-workers/ friends. Regardless of where life will take me in the future, I really hope I stay in contact with them. It amazes me that they find time in their busy lives to help me with my career. I am so appreciative.
37. Successfully taught myself how to find the GCF and to factor both polynomials and trinomials (no, I do not know what a polynomial or a trinomial is—but I can factor the shit out of them).
38.  Tried the best coffee ever today—Northern light mocha (with milk chocolate) from Caribou. AH-MAZ-ING
39. Coloring Easter eggs. Dinner, wine, great conversation and great friends. Feeling very blessed.
40. Coffee date! Great friends, great place :)
41. Dinner and a Movie date night, with TWO wonderful friends. 

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